Refractive Surgery is a type of surgery that helps fix common eye problems like near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It does this by changing the eye’s focusing ability, reducing the need for glasses or contacts.



  1. LASIK – LASIK Laser works by reshaping the unsymmetrical cornea so that the image of an object can form directly on the retina (present in the back of the eyes). It can help people to eliminate their dependency on glasses permanently.
  2. Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) – PRK Surgery is used for specific cases, such as individuals with thin corneas. It serves as an alternative when LASIK isn’t suitable.
  3. Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL) – ICLs are a type of lens placed in the eye, helpful for severe refractive errors or when corneal surgery isn’t possible.
  4. Implantable Phakic IOL (IPCL) – IPCLs are special lenses placed in the eye to assist with serious vision problems or when corneal surgery is not an option.



  • Topography
  • Pachymetry
  • IOL Master 700



If you’re considering LASIK Laser refractive surgery, here’s what to look for:

  • Individuals over 18 Years old
  • Maintain a relatively consistent eyeglass prescription
  • Experience little to no changes in their glasses prescription over time
  • Corneas are healthy and normal
  • Individuals without glaucoma or extremely dry eyes
  • No Diabetes, Lupus, or Rheumatoid Arthritis, and a healthy retina



  • The procedure is painless or causes very little pain
  • High success rates in restoring clear vision
  • No need for bandages or stitches
  • Doctors can adapt to changes in vision as you age
  • Say goodbye to glasses or contact lenses after LASIK
  • Quick procedure with no lengthy recovery time